
Stories from the Dominican Republic: Summer 2024

God most definitely did not disappoint, as he never does. Our time there was rich and beautiful and so very sweet. We prayed fervently for the Lord to include us in his plan and he was faithful in His response. We experienced the joy of people meeting Jesus for the first time. We saw light where there was darkness. We were blessed with so many opportunities to pray over and encourage fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

We delighted in the Father’s love for his children, and we sang, danced, and played with some of his most precious little creations. We saw spiritual bondage be replaced by freedom. We saw sadness replaced with joy.  We saw desperation replaced by hope. We laughed, we cried, we sweated, we played, we put Jesus rocks in peoples' spiritual shoes, and we played lots of cards and ate lots of rice…we served for him, and we give him all the glory.

To summarize something fellow Outreach participant Jason Osuna said: Just because we left the DR, doesn’t mean we’re gone and done. The seeds we planted, the bonds we forged, the conversations we had, the memories we made, that doesn’t go away. Please continue to pray against any spiritual attacks the enemy may plan as we readjust to being back home and please continue to pray for Pastor Stanley and the ICM church and school, and for the spirit of the Lord to move and stir profoundly in the Dominican! - Jesse Travis

Questions? Please feel free to email Julia.

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