
Serving Opportunities


Every Thurs & Sat

10 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Serve with Loaves & Fishes at Northside Church - meal preparation and distribution to the homeless

Every Mon

3:30 - 6:30 p.m.

Serve with Loaves & Fishes at Northside Church - meal preparation and distribution to the homeless



Compassion Card Program - Penning Love, Sending Warmth
Become a volunteer from the comfort of your home. With pen and paper, craft rays of sunshine for our beloved seniors. Our Compassion Card Program lets you pour your heart into handwritten cards and notes and send them to our seniors monthly. These tangible tokens of love, delivered through traditional mail, remind our seniors that they are treasured and ever-present in our hearts.

Email scarter@project1027.org or call 270-933-3421



Yard Maintenance - Set Your Own Schedule
We have several senior adults who need help in maintaining their yard. We partner with a group of men who are offering mowing services to them for free.  Would you consider donating (2) hours of your time every other week to help us with this project. This is an excellent opportunity for small groups and/or families to work as a unit as they bless one of our senior adult neighbors.

Email scarter@project1027.org or call 270-933-3421


Questions?  Contact Julia@CrossBridgeCommunityChurch.com.


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