About Us

Our mission is to love God, love others, and go + make disciples of all nations.

We get our identity and purpose from the one true living God who exists in three persons: Father, Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. He is Father, so we are His children and family-- the body of Christ united and empowered by His Spirit. In the same way that when Jesus came and walked the earth physically, He revealed the Father's love and power, we now as the body of Christ are to "together" reveal God to those around us.


In October 2002, Kirk and Debbie Freeman moved to San Antonio and met with a group about starting a church called CrossBridge, where everyone would be connected beyond Sunday mornings through Lifegroups. In March 2003, 27 people, launched CrossBridge's first service at Hardy Oak Elementary School, where the church met for one year. The church then met at Reagan High School for seven years. The church moved to its current property on Easter 2010.

The Antioch Movement of Churches

We’re part of a network called the Antioch Movement of Churches, which is comprised 47 churches in the United States and over 80 mission bases throughout the world. Every church within the movement is independent in its governance—each church unique in its culture and is led by it’s own pastors and elders—but we have chosen to cooperate together to take the gospel to the nations through disciple making, church planting and mission outreaches. Together we have a much greater impact than we could ever have alone

To learn more about the Antioch Movement, go here.

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