Strategic Urban Renewal in Tacoma

Next trip date: To be determined, check back soon!

Eric Teague and Family


The Call: God Speaking
Partner with us in God’s call to serve the poor, the widow, the orphan, and the homeless in one of the most under-reached regions of the country. In May 2012, God first told us that we would soon move our family to Tacoma, Washington to minister to those whom He loved who were in need. Click here to read the full story




The Need: (sources: Barna, City-Data)

  • Percent of residents who identify as “no faith” is double the national average
  • More than 20% of adults in the area consider themselves as “skeptics”
  • Poor city reputation: poverty, unemployment, homelessness, gang problems, aging real estate, drug addiction have all given the city a bad reputation
  • Greater than 43% of residents have absolutely no church experience

The Answer: Jesus and His Kingdom

Phase 1: 6 Month Laser-Focused Intercession (prayer walks/drives, meeting people)

  • Intentional living: purchase and live in an urban multiplex
  • Homeless outreach: food, shelter, skill training, job placement, home acquisition assistance
  • Orphan/widow/poor services and care
  • Discipleship
  • Network and partner with churches, nonprofits, and government agencies working with the poor

Phase 2: Renewal of People and Spaces

  • Bible dispersal and teaching the Word of God (includes production of dramatized digital Bible to serve the urban illiterate)
  • Real estate: restoration, improvement, and renewal
  • Urban clean-up, environment renewal and transformation

Phase 3: Big Picture Urban Renewal

  • Planting Life Groups and communities of faith
  • Renewal of institutions, politics, infrastructure, urban design
  • Gang prevention, infiltration and intervention, redirection
  • Educational improvement in the urban environment/resourcing education 

What's my next steps if I want to participate/how can I help?

  • Apply for a Passport or if you already have one, make sure it is up to date.
  • Complete the online application and inform us by the specified registration deadline.
  • Check with trip team leader to see if any vaccinations are required.
  • Attend all team meetings.

Intercede: The battle is won in the spiritual and then implemented in the physical

Give Generously: Would you join us in this call to serve the poor? We are asking God for those who are called to joyfully give $100/month to aid God’s mission in reaching Tacoma

- Set up a tax-deductible recurring monthly gift or a one-time gift online: Give Here

- Checks can be written to CrossBridge Community Church with "Tacoma Ministry" in the memo line. Mail to CBCC 25700 Overlook Parkway San Antonio, TX 78260

Questions or interested in learning more? Please contact Josh and Courtney Roberts at  210.268.8105

Being the hands and feet of Jesus

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